
Myth and Magic is about a love of ancient history, and the Ancient Celts in particular. As a fiction writer, my joy comes from exploring the unsolved mysteries of the past. I believe that the genesis of every good story begins with the simple question, What if? For me, it’s how the gaps in our understanding of the Celtic culture are at the heart of many beloved stories, some hundreds of years old, that ignites my imagination. So here, at Myth and Magic, the exploration of my many what ifs, begins.

Imagining the Ancient Celts

I am fascinated by the Ancient Celts, but much of their culture remains enigmatic and elusive. They left little to no written records, yet their artifacts speak to the robust and complex nature of their beliefs. They gave rise to centuries of beloved tales and fables of elves, nature spirits, and superstitions that persist to this day. As such, blending and blurring the lines between history and fable is my main inspiration as a writer. It allows me to explore what might have been, and thereby fill in the archaeological and anthropological knowledge gaps.

Generally, history is fluid. I mean that in the sense that what we think we know about it depends on consensus of the evidence we have available. It evolves over time, and each new discovery highlights that there is much more we don’t know about our ancient past. This is where imagination comes into play because it allows us to envision what might have been.

One of my biggest regrets, and frustrations, is the likelihood I’ll never learn the answers to some of history’s greatest mysteries. For example, who came before the Ancient Celts? What were their beliefs? Who created the Neolithic stone structures adopted by the Celts? Is the ancient knowledge of the Druids truly lost?

Throughout my life, pre-history and early civilizations have been an endless source of fascination. For years I researched and wrote fiction centered around ancient Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. Now as my focus shifts to Celtic lore and mysteries, I am excited to see where this journey leads. Perhaps, we all possess secret knowledge buried within the human psyche, that we can know if we but listen to our inner voices and dreams. It is perhaps this path that holds the key to the myths and magic of this magnificent yet mystical culture.


A three swirled trisekle design of the Ancient Celts.